Local Resident Interview

Local Resident Interview
Interviewee: Jaclyn Kollaja
Interviewer: Shaw-Sean Yang
            My name is Shaw-Sean Yang and today I have interviewed my 7th grade science teacher: Ms. Jaclyn Kollaja, a resident of our small town of Montgomery since the young age of one, to gain knowledge on the characteristics and specialties that composes the rich history, friendly people, and unique atmosphere of our petite; however, diverse community. In order to truly understand Montgomery, we must meet the people who have known and experienced this city since a young age. These veterans of history can offer us an exclusive in-sight to our hidden past that we may have never known.

            Opening the door to the science lab, I stroll into the classroom with my elder sister by my side. Ms. Kollaja greets us cheerfully and welcomes us in. The three of us proceeded to a glistening, black, table and Ms. Kollaja and I each pull out a chair, facing one another.
            We start the conversation but quickly begin with the interview questions. “How many years have you resided in Montgomery?” I began. My sister stands by the side of the table and listens.
            “I’ve lived in Montgomery since I was one year old while my mother lived in Montgomery since she was 14 years old,” Ms. Kollaja explained.
            “Since you have been in Montgomery for such a long time, are there any experiences that you have had that you feel are exclusive to Montgomery or cannot be found anywhere else? I continued.
            “Most certainly,” Ms. Kollaja Replied, “For instance, the Christmas Cookie Walk in downtown Montgomery, and the historical events.
            “Which locations,” I asked, “in Montgomery do you believe are worth visiting or learning about?”
            Ms. Kollaja thinks for a moment and replies, “I would suggest visiting the historical sites, including the Old Community Center, the Historical Post office, and just simply historic items.”
            “What unique characteristic of Montgomery has kept you a residence for such an extended time period?” I inquired.
            “I love the feeling of closeness that connects the citizens of our town,” Ms. Kollaja reacted.

            “Have you visited to any notable cities?” I switched topics, “If so, which were the most appealing? Why?”
            “Yes,” Ms. Kollaja answered, “Fredericksburg and New York City are some of my favorites.”
            “Are there any reasons for these preferences?” I questioned.
            “Well, New York is because of the oppositeness of it to Montgomery. Montgomery is a small community while New York is a bustling metropolis,” Ms. Kollaja explains, “There is actually an interesting story of yours truly in New York City! It start on a rainy day as I walked through a long, commercial street in the heart of the urbanization. I stroll into one of the shops and immediately, I see that several of the employees glance at me and by their expressions; I could tell that did not want me as a customer, with my muddy boots, and water-laden clothes.”
            “Hah,” I chuckled, “What are some pros and cons of Montgomery you have observed? Are there any differences you have noticed between our town and the cities of the world?
            “An advantage of living in Montgomery, I believe, is the close-knit community where everyone is willing to help.” Ms. Kollaja responded, “However, during the past few years, as the county grows, everyone is still as friendly and sociable.”
            “If you needed to move away from Montgomery, “I challenged, “Where would you go?”
            Pondering for a moment, Ms. Kollaja answers, “I would choose somewhere similar to Montgomery, somewhere small and peaceful.”
            “Suppose you moved,” I extended, “would you rather stay in your town, or return to Montgomery?”
            “I would definitely return,” Ms. Kollaja responded as expeted.
            I concluded my interview while my sister began chatting with my science teacher. After a few minutes, we said our goodbyes and departed the classroom.

            I discovered that even though Montgomery’s economy dwindled after the railroad passed the city and telegraph lines abandoned, many residents, including Ms. Jaclyn Kollaja, enjoy this calm serenity and simplicity.

            Although I prefer the large, busy cities of the West and East Coasts, I can understand the reasons behind the fondness of others towards the small-town feel that Montgomery can provide. Unlike some rural areas where convenience is sacrificed for simplicity, Montgomery is different; our community provides shops and commercial districts only a short drive from our homes and quality public services.